Tuesday July 23, 2024
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Ethical Hacking Write For Us refers to identifying weaknesses in computer and information systems by mimicking the intentions and actions of malicious hackers. Furthermore, it is also called penetration testing, Intrusion testing, or red teaming.

However, ethical hackers are protection professionals who use their hacking skills for defense purposes on behalf of the owners of information systems. So when conducting a penetration test, ethical hackers try to answer four basic questions:

  • Which information/locations/systems can the attacker access?
  • What can the attacker see on the target?
  • What can an attacker do with the information available?
  • Does anyone on the target system know of the attempt?

Ethical hackers operate with the knowledge and permission of the organization they are trying to defend. However, sometimes, organizations fail to report ethical hacking activities to their information security teams to test their effectiveness. So this is called a double-blind environment. But to operate effectively and legally, ethical hackers must inform about the assets they are protecting and potential sources of threats.

How to send your article?

So, to write to us, you can send an email to contact@technologyies.com.

Guest article submission guidelines

  • We need appropriate and original content, and extensive research on ethical hacking write for us topics, computer tips and tricks, OS stuff, and more.
  • So the title should be informative and give a broad overview of the publication.
  • However, articles should be well formatted with an introductory block, body, conclusion, etc.
  • So avoid grammatical errors.
  • Use images that help readers understand your article.
  • Please note that copying or plagiarizing articles not allowed.

Search terms for Ethical Hacking write for us

  • Penetration testing
  • Intrusion testing
  • Red teaming
  • Computer vulnerabilities
  • Computer Security

Search Terms related to Ethical Hacking write for Us

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